- 02092915437
- info@apin.org.ng
Did you know that 1 in 3 women experience Gender-based Violence (GBV) during their lifetime?
Today marks the start of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. GBV exists in several forms and it happens all around us.
This year’s theme, “UNITE! Activism to end violence against women and girls”, calls for collective action to eliminate gender-based violence and to support victims to become survivors!
APIN works with the Federal and State Ministries of Women Affairs and Social Development and other stakeholders including religious & traditional leaders, law enforcement agencies, health services providers and other non-governmental organizations to provide post-GBV clinical and psychosocial support to survivors and report cases as needed.
Today, staff across our state offices are commemorating the start of the #16DaysofActivism and taking a stand against #GBV. Will you stand with us? #16Days#eliminationofviolenceagainstwomen#endviolenceagainstwomen#VAWG#Unitecampaign