- 02092915437
- info@apin.org.ng
The ultimate educational experience, the Internship programme aims to shape and sharpen young and energetic graduates into high-performing, value-oriented and committed development professionals; by providing an opportunity to transfer and apply the knowledge and theory gained in the classroom to an actual agency/organizational environment under the guidance and supervision of experienced professionals.
Paid internship: This internship is to support the intern to gain experience in relevant departments/units e.g. Programs and Shared Services. The interns will be paid a flat rate as a stipend on a monthly basis. This amount can be proposed for a review as and when necessary by Management.
Unpaid internship (volunteer): This involves no stipend payments except for any duty facilitation costs incurred by the intern.
National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Members: These are fresh graduates who may be posted to any of our offices for their primary assignment and are able to scale through the interview process. Corps Members shall be paid an allowance per month. The amount is also subject to review as may be deemed necessary.
APIN is under no obligation to employ an intern, corps member or volunteer to a permanent staff position. However, the person may apply for a job vacancy in the organization whenever such is advertised and such application shall be treated the same as others received for the vacant position.
Note: Internship / NYSC placement at any time is subject to availability of vacancies for such position which shall be advertised on this website when the need arises.
For more information, send a mail to: hr@apin.org.ng